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The Converter is the program part which has to do the most
hard jobs.
It reads in a stream of data, performs some or many special
effects on it and writes the results to harddisk.
Unlike to common programs there is only a small difference
for the user to perform easy or very complex operations.

1. You want to convert a mpeg-animation into an IFF-Animation.
   This is easy. Selected the input- and the output-file, adjust
   the compression-parameters and press the "Convert"-button.
2. You want to scale down the input frames because you
   have not enough diskspace.
   This is easy. Just enable the Processor, open the Processor-Window
   and add a "Halve"-effect. That's all.
3. You want to convert only some of the images, e.g. frames 31...54.
   This is easy. Just open the CRange-window and enter these numbers.
4. You want to have a small animation in front of a large background.
   This is easy. Enable the processor and use a "LoadImage"- and
   a "Compose"-effect. That's all again.

I could write thousand of such examples here - all of them where
easy to realize.



Type               Select the type of input: "Animation", "SinglePictures"
                   or "BlackFrames"
Info               Display some type-dependant information about the
Related Options    Open one of the optionswindows PictureList
                   or BlackFrames depending on the type of input


Type               Select the type of output: "YAFA", "ANIM", "SinglePictures"
                   or "NIL:"
Info               Display some type-dependant information about the
                   generated output-animation
Related Options    Open one of the optionswindows YAFAOptions,
                   IFFOptions or SinglePictures

Annotation         Optional annotation string or file to include in a YAFA-animation
Range              Open the CRange-Window to specify the
                   range of the input-stream to be processed
Preview            Select the preview-type (none/window/screen)
Processor          Enable the Processor to modify the input-stream


Save Session       Save all options including the current window-settings
                   and the Processor-settings as the specified session-file
Load Session       Restore a previously saved session
Convert            Start the converter

All combinations of input- and output-streams are possible. A special
case is input=output=SinglePictures. This feature is not obsolete,
it allows you to create a sequence with numbered filenames from
pictures having different locations.
If you specify "NIL:" as output-stream no frames are written. This feature
is especially usefull for testing complicated Processor-scripts.

The Converter can be aborted at any time - in the most cased the
cancelled output-stream will be usable.